Daily Archives: January 29, 2015

Create Your Own App

People have made bucket loads of cash from apps over the past few years, and although it’s getting harder, the opportunities are still there. Here are some step by step instructions on how to do it, courtesy of a 17 year old who made $100,000 by creating a series of apps:

Step 1. Download Gamesalad (iphone/ipad/android/amazon publishing tool)

Step 2. Go here –  https://help.gamesalad.com/hc/en-us/categories/200134158-Cookbook-Tutorials

Step 3. Do the tutorials.

Step 4. Now that you have a basic understanding of gamesalad, you can probably modify a template. Go here – http://www.deepblueapps.com and gshelper.com These will allow you to purchase templates to modify.

Step 5. Choose a template where all you have to do is change the graphics.

Step 6. Replace the graphics.

Step 7. Create icons and all the submission information.

Step 8. Charge $1 for your app. You can make it free if you want, but it won’t pay off.

Step 9. Publish to either Amazon or iOS platforms.

Step 10. Start all over.

The guy who wrote these instructions says he’s created apps in under 2 hours that have raked in $20,000. Sounds like an interesting no-risk opportunity to me, and now you know how to do it.