Author Archives: John Harrison

Them’s The Rules!

The Institute Of Directors on Pall Mall is a bastion of British conservatism, as a friend of mine discovered to his cost.

Martin, a film producer, had arranged to meet with a potential investor at the institute, and arrived in his normal attire of  jacket, shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. He was met at the entrance by a doorman dressed in smart black suit, freshly polished shoes and tie.

“Can I help you sir?” he asked. Continue reading

Two Nights In Norfolk

You have to take opportunities when you can,  so with my daughter away on a school trip to New York (the furthest I ever went was Scarborough) we decided to have a  weekend away in Norfolk.

Now the last time I went to Norfolk, I was about 12 years old – a two week caravan holiday in Great Yarmouth. I can remember very little about it,  other than it rained, and certainly  nothing of the journey. That’s  just as well, because if I had remembered the journey,  I’d have probably gone somewhere else. Continue reading