Ad’s On Luggage

I’m old enough to remember when you could pretty much pack the kitchen sink  for a flight and it wouldn’t cost any more. Budget airlines have changed all that and baggage often has to be paid for sep, Baarately now. I find that annoying, which is why I was interested to hear about Orion, an initiative from the US which allows passengers to avoid baggage fees by having ad’s on their luggage.

Orion is set to launch next year. When the programme is fully running, users will pay an annual subscription fee, buy suitcases subsidised by the sponsors, and then receive gift cards that cover the baggage checking costs of up to 6 journeys per year. Users are given a choice of skins with which to cover one side of their suitcases (ranging from film franchises to presidential campaign hopefuls), offering a level of baggage personalisation. Sponsor advertising then appears on the reverse.

I mention it for two reasons:

1. If this works, there will be opportunities to do something similar in Europe.

2. As an idea generator. What other services, which people currently paid for, could be offset by advertising or commercial sponsorship.


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