Are You Thick Enough To Make Money?

According to Entrepreneur magazine, if you’re struggling to make money through your own entrepreneurial efforts, it could be because you’re too clever for your own good. Apparently smart people are better at almost everything, until it comes to running their own businesses. Here’s why:

1. They know they do things better than other people and are therefore lousy at delegating tasks. Less able people, on the other hand, surround themselves with smart folk because they know they’ll do all the work for them, and do it well.

2. Clever folk like to complicate stuff. They hate to follow the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid) which is the cornerstone of most successful enterprises. The less able like to keep things really simple. They have no desire to make things any more difficult than they absolutely need to be.

3. Clever folk have too much to lose. They have qualifications and skills and options. It makes taking a risk…well, more risky. If all you’re risking is losing a job just above minimum wage, it makes throwing yourself into your own enterprise a bit of a no brainer. If you’re earning £70,000 a year already, it’s a bit more tricky.

So if you’ve never excelled at anything, you might actually be better equipped to make a fortune in your own business than someone who seems to be a bit of a star. I’ve always wondered why I managed to do pretty well… and now I know!

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