Category Archives: Success Secrets

The Secret Of A Happy. Life Is Four Words Long.

If your great-great-grandparents were resurrected tomorrow, they’d be stunned…

We travel where and when we choose at astonishing speed and at very little cost. Goods and services are in almost limitless supply and everything there is to see and know is practically there at the click of a computer mouse or via a smartphone screen.

Go back just four generations, and the poor were undernourished and thin. No longer. How would you explain to your great great grandfather that the ‘poor’ of today are usually the people who eat way too much?

Take any wealth and well-being measurement you like… per capita income, car ownership, real spending power, health, home ownership and size… and the trend is always upward and always improving. Our wealth and prosperity, and the factors connected with them, just get better and better.

Forget nostalgia about the good old days… if there’s ever been a Golden Age, one where economic prosperity has created freedom, opportunity and the good things in life, it is right here and now. It’s never been any better than this.

But if that’s the case, let me ask you this – are you any happier than your parents were at your age… or your grandparents? You have good ‘stuff’ in your life, ‘stuff’ they could have never dreamed of. But unless you’re very unusual, the answer will be “no” – you are not happier than the preceding generation.

Throughout the Western world something strange is happening. As prosperity grows, so does the incidence of depression. Experts calculate that depression is 10 times more prevalent than it was 50 years ago.

Psychologist after psychologist has come up with the same conclusion – people are less satisfied and less happy than at any time in recent history. And yet by any measure, they’re more prosperous. Real happiness and fulfilment clearly can’t be bought. And if you want confirmation of that, you need look no further than the average lottery winner.

Most people buy a lottery ticket with the expectation that if they ‘win the big one’, it will transform their life for the better… for all time. And yet research by Dr Nick Baylis of Cambridge University suggests that the average lottery winner’s happiness quotient returns to its pre-win level within one year of the win.

Acquisition of goods and services bring them no long-term improvement in happiness – just a short-term ‘buzz’, followed by a storage and ‘looking after’ headache! The new possessions give no pleasure – just hassle and worry. And then pain if they’re taken away.

But I think it goes further than that, because many winners end up less happy than they were before. The money has robbed them of something very important… the belief that there is a simple solution to their personal happiness problem – a great pile of cash! Once they realise that the money has failed to do the ‘trick’ they feel lost. All hope of a simple solution easily purchased in the shape of a lottery ticket, is gone.

Now they’re going to have to find the real key to happiness, but they haven’t got a clue where to look. Maybe they should try the Jacuzzi.

Some time ago I was talking to a friend at my local health club in the Jacuzzi. He’d just sold his business and was thinking about what to do next. Paul had enough money to retire on, but after a few weeks of inactivity, he was starting to get restless. Brendan, who quickly caught up with the conversation, joined us.

Brendan has sadly passed away now. He was quite well known locally. He was boxing trainer who had successfully trained several British European and World champions, including Prince Naseem and Johnny Nelson. He also did an enormous amount of work with the area’s under-privileged kids, for which he received an MBE. Brendan listened to what Paul was saying and then said: “You can’t just do nothing… you need a purpose!”

And the more I thought about it, the more I realised how true this was. The acquisition of money, wealth or ‘stuff’, which is unrelated to activity or effort, is rarely, if ever, satisfying. Lottery winners become unhappy, not because they now have money, but because they have lost their previous purpose… achieving financial security and working to buy ‘goodies’… and have failed to replace it with a new one. And maybe large sections of the wider population are similarly afflicted, albeit less acutely.

Just a generation or two ago, they were too tied up with their primary purpose of feeding, clothing and sheltering their family, to need other ‘purposes’ in their life. Today, in this country at least, that purpose has been broadly taken care of. And many people now see acquisition per se, as a purpose, and expect it to bring them happiness and fulfilment.

They acquire some ‘stuff’, but it doesn’t make them happy. But rather than conclude that ‘more stuff’ doesn’t make you happy, they conclude that they’re not happy because they simply don’t have enough ‘stuff’ yet! But no amount of ‘stuff’ will ever be enough.

Now I know what Brendan meant by purpose. He spent a lot of his life helping young kids who might otherwise go ‘the wrong way’, find their own purpose in life. So his purpose was helping others find a purpose. But I have a broader definition, which encompasses what most of us should be looking for…

To Create, Make Or Do Something Better.

The ‘something’ you create or make or do better, could be a business, a job, a house, a product, a book, a charity, a club, a society, a plan, a person’s life… whatever. Note that I said: ‘create or make better’ not ‘buy’. Buying doesn’t work. Money offers a convenient measure of how well your creation has done but, in isolation, offers little in the way of satisfaction or happiness.

So am I saying that making money is pointless? Not at all, but it has to be used in the right way if it’s to have any impact on your level of happiness. I’ll say it again: buying ‘stuff’ won’t do it.

Money, once earned, opens up ‘purpose opportunities’ that aren’t available to people without it. That might involve buying time to pursue a personal project, buying instruction to further your goals in a project or hobby, or directly investing in people or projects where money can be used to create something… or make something better.

This is the real way you can use money to create personal happiness… not through the vacuous purchase of yet more gadgets and gizmos that clutter up your life and render no long-term benefit. You ‘re-invest’ the money in a purpose that has meaning to you and that will bring long-term satisfaction and happiness.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting you have to give the money away, work for charity or help the disadvantaged. That might not be your thing. It might not be a purpose that is going to make you happy.

Your purpose could be a totally selfish one… to work towards a personal challenge like climbing a mountain or sailing around the world for example… but there has to be something – a plan followed by action to create something – or make or do something better.

It’s all about seeing something you care about transferred from an idea, to a plan, to action, through to an end result with a positive outcome. It’s about having an impact on something.

What that thing is will be very personal to you… it may or may not require large sums of money to bring about. Only you will know. But the more money you have, the wider the choice of ‘purposes’ you will have.

The happiness-creating potential of money is not in what it can buy, but rather in the access to new purposes that it can bring.

You can’t use money to buy happiness directly, but you can use it as an ‘entry ticket’ to the next level, and the best tickets – the expensive ones – offer limitless choice.

Look, I’m not totally stupid, I know that if you’re struggling to make ends meet, you probably think the preceding 500 or so words is pure baloney.

Just give me the cash,” you may say, “and I’ll show you whether it will make me happy. Purpose my arse!”

Nothing I can say will convince you that having a million or two to spend as you please won’t make you happier than you are right now, or that if you were in that position, you couldn’t happily sit on a beach for the rest of your days and conspicuously consume. Nothing will convince you of that other than experience.

As the great Spike Milligan once said: “All I ask is the chance to prove that money can’t make me happy.” That’s why so many of our publications are devoted to the task of helping you become financially strong and secure. The things I’ll do to prove a point!

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


Please Don’t
Forget…This Works!

Dear Streetwise Customer, 

Just imagine this for a moment…
Every morning before you go out to work or whatever else you’re doing that day, you switch on your laptop or PC and click, ‘Go’.

A few hours later you come back home and yet another £59 has been added to your account…Simply, Easily, Automatically…without you lifting a finger.

That’s what I’m writing to you about today. I want to send you everything you need to get this up and running and working for you in less than half an hour…and I want to send it For Free!

It’s amazing, it’s brand new and it works

 Why would I send you the means to make over £300 a week for doing (or risking) 
nothing? Because I want to introduce something which makes that kind of money look like

 For Full Details Visit:

Where you can read about this AND see the Video Proof of it working.

This is genuinely a world first. Take a look now!

Kind Regards

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 John Harrison
 Streetwise Publications

PS. I forgot to mention – we can only let 25 people in on this at the moment, so don’t hang around.

Fail To Prepare And You Prepare To Fail.

Two brothers supported the same football team. At the end of every game, the team captain picked up the match ball and kicked it into the crowd. Whoever caught the ball got to keep it. Both brothers badly wanted one of those balls.

The first brother turned up for every home game, sat in his usual seat, and watched as the ball was hoofed into the stand – most of the time at the opposite end of the ground. Once, the ball did come near him but he wasn’t really paying attention, and someone, a few seats along, grabbed it. After every game he went home cursing his bad luck. The second brother did things differently.

For a full season, he carefully watched where the ball landed. He noted that 80% of the time the team captain kicked the ball into the South Stand, and that, more often than not, it landed between Rows 15 and 20. In the close season, he spent an hour every day kicking a football into the air and catching it.

When he purchased a season ticket for the following season it was in Row 17 of the South Stand. When the players came off the field at the end of the first game, he kept his eyes on the team captain until he’d picked up the match ball and kicked it into the crowd.

Now let me ask you this – which of those two brothers do you think is the most likely to be ‘lucky’?

If Shakespeare was right about the world being a stage and everyone being merely players, the need to prepare and rehearse seems obvious. And yet so few people do it. We stumble into important interviews, meetings and social interactions with only a vague idea of what we will say, how we will act or how other key players will act or react. Everything comes as a surprise and, as a result, we fail to make the most of the opportunities that are presented to us.

To fully capitalise on the opportunities life gives us, it’s vital that we prepare and rehearse. This will mean different things to different people in varying situations, but preparation can take both mental and physical forms. Few opportunities arrive ‘out of the blue’, but even if they do, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rehearse. If you walked into a lift and the only other person there just happened to be the one person in the world who could make your dreams come true, you know exactly what you would say to them – don’t you?

Time spent preparing and rehearsing is rarely wasted and is so often the difference between success and failure. Don’t ever step onstage without knowing your lines. In the real world there are no ‘prompts’ to bail you out.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


Streetwise Member Makes $400,000

Dear Streetwise Customer

Streetwise member Roger Woodman tried making money from the financial markets for YEARS with little success.

In his own words…

“I bought many, many courses, spent thousands of pounds on webinars, books, systems … At the end of it, I worked out that I’d made precisely nothing.”

Maybe you can identify with how he felt?

Well, it all changed for Roger when I personally introduced him to my good friend and expert trader Guy Cohen …

In Roger’s own words … “Trading with just Guy’s system, I’ve made over $400,000.”

That’s a pretty big difference … From “precisely nothing”, to over $400,000, right?

And this success has enabled Roger to live the kind of retirement life he’s always dreamed of. For example, here he is pulling up into Guy’s driveway in his rather swish new car (Guy often meets with his students to help them) …

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Better yet, with Guy’s system Roger has never been chained to his computer desk all day … 

He says, “It takes me about 30 minutes a day … remarkably little stress … very little drawdowns. If I have got drawdowns, they’re peanuts.”

It’s no wonder he calls Guy’s trading system a “godsend”.

And here’s the good news for you …

I’ve persuaded Guy to hold an exclusive live training session for Streetwise members.

During this short training he’ll walk you through the exact same 3-step system that made Roger $400,000.

And even show you how to automate it so you can profit in less than 30 minutes per day.

The training takes place at 8pm on Thursday.

And it’s absolutely FREE.

Reserve your free spot now.

Who knows …

Maybe you’ll become Guy’s next protege and make nearly half a million dollars too!

But that can only happen if you attend.

Reserve your spot now.

Best wishes,

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John Harrison


Of course, Roger isn’t the only person whose life has been transformed by Guy’s trading system.

There are COUNTLESS others too, like …

  • Chloe Hung who made $6,528 in 100 days … and then another $32,616 after that!
  • G Lawrence who made $26,733 in 9 weeks …
  • And Alan Tunnicliffe who says the extra $1,288 tax-free income he’s making “will make a huge difference to my life right now”.

Guy even helped well-known online business coach Simon Coulson make $25,356 in just six weeks … and that was with ZERO prior trading experience!

Want to become Guy’s next success story?

Join his free training now.

Everyone Gets Dumped On-Rejoice!

Crap happens to me, it happens to you… and it happens to Bill Gates.

Back in the days when I was struggling, I used to think that wealthy and successful people led some kind of utopian existence. They made their way in the world by having fortune shine down upon them and then used their money to ward off all the tedious and nasty things that happen to ordinary folk. Well now I know it’s not like that. Success doesn’t depend on not having crap things happen to you. It depends on dealing with crap when it happens.

Let me put that a bit more politely. To be successful you have to deal effectively with the adversity that impacts everyone. Once you become successful, you’ll still have to deal with adversity. If you think success will make you immune to adversity – you’re wrong. It won’t.

We all get pretty much the same amount of luck in our lives. Oh sure, you go through times where nothing seems to go right. Everybody does. But over the long haul… whether it’s in your career, business or personal life… everyone gets broadly the same amount of luck. It’s what you do with it that matters.

But here’s an interesting thing. When something does go wrong – when it seems like Lady Luck is just having a laugh – that event will almost certainly contain within it, the seeds of something positive. You just need to look for it. If you take just one thing from this book, make it a commitment to seek out the positive seeds in each piece of adversity you encounter. They’re there. I can promise you that.

In my business, every single time I’ve had a setback, when something hasn’t worked as well as it should, or a deal or project has fallen through, it has caused me to seek out a solution or replacement project that has led to even better things. Here’s just one example…

When we first started out in the direct response business, we needed to rent mailing lists. I approached the biggest supplier of the type of lists we wanted at the time, but they refused to deal with us. I don’t know whether they were afraid of the competition or thought we were small fry wasting their time (probably the latter). Anyway, I needed a solution.

So I found a broker who sourced for us some fantastic lists that really formed the bedrock of the business we have today. About a year later, the original company I’d approached decided we were now worth dealing with, and let us use their lists.

Guess what? Their lists were terrible! If they’d let us have them 12 months earlier, I’d have probably concluded that the direct response business wasn’t for me and given up.

The setback… the piece of bad luck… was a blessing in disguise.

What I’m trying to get over to you is this – success of any type has nothing to do with luck. Over the long haul, and aside from some very extreme cases for which you do NOT qualify, there’s no such thing as bad luck. There is just stuff that happens to you… the same stuff that happens to everyone else at some point in their lives. It’s what you do that matters.

Some people learn, look for the positive angle and move on. Others give up. Those who give up are the ones who believe they’re ‘just unlucky’ and it’s their fate to fail. “Why beat yourself up,” they might say, “if the stars/gods/fates are against you?”

Those who move forward are the people who know that luck has absolutely nothing to do with it – that their success or failure is completely, utterly and exclusively, down to them. How can you give in when there’s nobody or nothing else to blame?

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


Dear Streetwise Customer, 

Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right…

And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

Not at all. I’ve done it.  I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they 
    don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the 
    internet for its requirements, just like it is right now. 

3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over.

This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

    Very Best Wishes,

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    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications

You Get To Pick Your Own Role, So Choose Well.

One of the most widely known quotations from Shakespeare’s play As You Like It is: “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” Perhaps you’ve not given it much thought; I know I hadn’t until I came across a couple of other things.

The first was a book by Derren Brown called Tricks of The Mind. In one chapter, Brown discusses the subject of developing and displaying confidence. Now if you’ve ever seen Brown perform, I think you’ll agree that he comes across as being supremely confident. And yet it wasn’t always like that, and indeed isn’t necessarily like that today.

You see, in his early life, Brown suffered from the same doubts and insecurities as most of us. So what made the difference? Well he discovered something very simple, and yet extraordinarily powerful – in order to become confident, you firstly have to act confident. Once you start to act in a confident manner, others begin to treat you as confident, and guess what? You become confident because of the way other people are now treating you. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The second thing that happened concerned one of the actors who features in a film I’d been working on. Part of ‘the deal’ when you star in a film is that you’re expected to help promote it. Now acting and promotion are two completely different things, which is why the cast of this film were booked in for a training session on how to present themselves in interviews. Some of the cast were ‘naturals’, but one guy (I won’t say who to save his blushes) just wasn’t comfortable with this sort of attention. Whilst he comes to life on screen, in private he’s pretty quiet and unassuming. Perfectly fine qualities in a human being, but not so great when you’re trying to excite and enthuse people about the film you’ve just made.

The lady running the course had seen all this before and knew exactly what to do. Instead of giving him a list of specific instructions, which she knew he’d probably forget anyway, she gave him just one instruction… “Just imagine it’s a part, and you’re playing a successful movie star!”

As soon as he twigged this… that he wasn’t being himself in these interviews he was simply playing a part, just as he did every day of his working life, the transition was near-instantaneous. He acted like a movie star, so people started to treat and react to him as though he was a movie star. You know what happens next… he’ll start to feel like a movie star, and that will affect how he behaves naturally. But like Derren Brown, he had to consciously choose the role before it became part of him.

Is there an ‘Aha!’ moment there for you? I know there was one for me. The world is indeed a stage and we’re all playing parts. The great news is that we get to choose the parts we play. Nobody else chooses those parts for us. If we play the part well, the world demands and dictates that we play it for life. But it works both ways. Choose a lousy part for yourself – and if you don’t apply conscious effort and thought to this, you probably will – and that’s the part the world will allocate to you too.

Once you realise that, you become what you present yourself as being, it’s a tremendously enlightening and empowering moment, because you know that your fate and fortunes lay entirely in your own hands. But it can be a frightening moment too, because every excuse you ever had for not being where and what you want to be, is stripped away in an instant. And there’s comfort to be had in excuses.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

 Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about?     

Successful People Are Plonkers Too

An email from a reader of my online newsletter gave me cause to think consciously about something that up until then had been active on a subconscious level. Here’s what he said:

I think the fact you present your public face, and also in your newsletter you outline the fact that you are also human and aren’t afraid to present your vulnerable side when appropriate, helps.

I think what he meant – but was perhaps too polite to say – is that I’m prepared to let everyone know what a plonker I really am. And when I think about it, he’s right. Let me tell you why…

When I was growing up, and in the period before I started to have some business and financial success, I didn’t know any millionaires. I didn’t even know anyone you could describe as wealthy. Everyone I knew was just like me – or not far from it. The richest person I knew ran the local greengrocers. That gives you some idea of what I’m talking about.

Because I didn’t actually know anyone who had accumulated wealth, the rich were a bit of a mystery to me. And there’s not a great deal of difference (both literally and linguistically) between mystery and mystique. The information and impressions I had came from newspapers, glossy magazines and TV. And when presented in these selective media outlets, you don’t really get a true or accurate picture.

Everyone who’d achieved financial success seemed impossibly sophisticated or charismatic or glamorous or educated or skilled or… or… something other than what I was.

And it was all a bit off-putting and demotivating. When you aspire to something, the first stage is to believe it’s possible. If you see other people who’ve already done it – people who share your background, imperfections and insecurities – then that’s very powerful in persuading you that you can do it too. If you see people with whom you have little in common, it makes it seem all the harder and more distant.

Once I started to achieve some success, and got to meet others who’d done the same, I realised that, like me, there was nothing intrinsically special or unusual about them. The difference was in what they’d done… how they’d played the cards they’d been dealt… rather than what they were.

And so when I got the opportunity to communicate with people who were looking to move forward with their lives, it just seemed natural that I would present things as they are, rather than perpetuating myth and mystique. If you want to give people the best chance of following in your footsteps, why would you do any other?

The wealthy and successful are just like you. They started out with the same insecurities, doubts and hang-ups that you have today. They have the same stupid thoughts and, out of the public gaze, are just as capable of making complete pillocks of themselves as anyone else. They are made of no better or worse stuff than you and, as such, there are no genuine barriers to you joining them.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


                      Dear Streetwise Customer, 

  Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right… 

  And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

  Not at all. I’ve done it. I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they don’t come much tougher than they are right now.

 2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the internet for its requirements, just like it is right now.

 3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the moment.

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

   This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over. 

   This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.  There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

  Very Best Wishes,

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    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications