Celebrity Author Secrets

I’ve just finished reading a fascinating and highly informative book called “Celebrity Authors’ Secrets: The World’s Greatest Living Authors Reveal How They Sell Millions of Books.” by Stephanie J Hale. The book takes the form of a series of interviews with some of the worlds best selling authors – everyone from Jeffrey Archer, Bernard Cornwall and Barbara Taylor Bradford, right through to non fiction authors like Brian Tracey and Sharon Lechter. In it, they share the secrets of their writing and book marketing success. If you have any interest in writing a best seller of your own, I can thoroughly recommend it.

I mention the book for another reason though. – what a great model to follow for someone who wants to write an interesting and useful book for the first time:

1. Choose a subject which people are eager to find out more about.
2. Interview experts in the field
3. Write up the interviews
4. Top and tail the book.

There’s a bit more to it than that of course, but provided you persuade the right interviewees to take part, ask the right questions, and record the answers, you’ll be a long way down the road of having a finished book. And it will be one that people want to read and can benefit from.

If you want to order a copy of Stephanie’s book you can get it at Amazon.

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