Ethnic Shaving

When I first started shaving, several decades ago, ‘wet’ razors only had one blade. Then they went to two…then three…then, well you get the idea. I’m not sure what the current ‘record’ is, but I’ve seen razors with five blades. The thinking seems to be ‘more is better’, but apparently that isn’t true for everyone. For people with coarse and curly hair, this configuration can lead to bumps, ingrowing hairs and discomfort.

Walker and Company have developed Bevel, a 5 piece shaving kit designed for the specific requirements of black customers. The kit features a single blade razor, priming oil, a brush for lifting hairs and a hydrating restoring balm.

There are two interesting things to take from this I think:

1. Targeting your product at a specific, easily identifiable, section of your market can differentiate your product from other generic offerings in the market. Perhaps you could create a version of your product for just one part of the market like this.

2. Political correctness often makes us shy away from the fact that people of different ethnicity’s, sometimes have very different requirements from a product. There is money to be made by making sure everyone gets what is right for them.

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