Police in the US said that a woman they dubbed a real-life “cleaning fairy”, broke into a house and a left a bill for the housework she did. According to police, the woman entered the residence while homeowner Mallory Bush slept, did some light cleaning and then left a bill for $75 on a napkin before leaving. Unfortunately for the “cleaning fairy,” crime didn’t pay and she was arrested.
Now obviously you can’t go breaking into houses. Nor can you force work or products on people and then charge them. But if you can find a way to ethically give your potential customers a ‘free sample’ of what you sell or what you do, it could be a great source of new business. I’ve experimented with this by giving away free books, and people really seem to appreciate it and respond well.
Quote Of The Day
“If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.”
Morris West
Groove Book
Brian and Julie Whiteman founded photo sharing and printing app GrooveBook in 2012. A year later they appeared on Shark Tank, the American version of Dragons Den and in November 2014, announced a deal to sell to Shutterfly for $14.5 Million after attracting over a million subscribers. I mention it for three reasons.
Anyone who tells you there’s no such thing as ‘Get-Rich-Quick’ hasn’t heard the story of GrooveBook.
It’s a demonstration of the power of something we’re always going on about here – monthly subscription marketing.
It’s a great concept and a great product, delivery of which isn’t available here in the UK yet.
So something to learn from, take inspiration from and maybe even copy perhaps?
Today’s National Day
Dear Streewise Customer,
Take a look at this betting slip from 27th October 2020
As you’ll see, it’s a £10 bet which brought in £309.45. With what I’m writing
to you about today, days like this are commonplace.
Want to find out how to cash in on this for yourself? Take a look HERE.
Heck, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do. All the bets are sent straight
to you..
Kind Regards
John Harrison
Streetwise Publications Ltd