Author Archives: admin

Focussed Inspiration

People seem to fall into one of three groups where holidays are concerned. There are those who have no real interest in holidays and don’t really care if they go at all, those who are very interested and know exactly what they want to do…and then a third group who are very interested, but don’t really know what they want to do.

It’s for this third group that Wanderfly was set up – a website which aims to offer ‘tailored inspiration’ by focussing on three variables…budget, timeframe and interests.

Users enter their details on the site and are then presented with suggested trips complete with flights, accommodation and itinerary which can be booked through site partners such as Expedia and Lonely Planet. There’s even a connection to Facebook to locate friends in any of the chosen destinations!

We’re tell you about this for three reasons: 

1.  It may be a service you’d like to try out for yourself. 

2.  It’s evidence that there are still new opportunities in what is a very 
     mature travel market.

3.  Travel is just one market in which consumers face an increasingly large and bewildering range of choice.

There is scope in many fields for someone to come along in an advisory role, provide inspiration, and help the consumer home in on the most desirable options for them.

Might your market be one of those where this form the basis of a viable business?

Motivational Quote Of The Day

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Alternative Quote Of The Day

“If your body is 90 per cent water why have you got to drink water all the time? Why can’t you just have some crisps?.”

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Russell Brand 

Life Beyond Death

Whether you believe in reincarnation or not, it seems that technology is reaching the stage where people can live after death – in a fashion.

I just read about an initiative from the MIT Entrepreneurship Programme which collects web chats, blogs, emails and text messages from a deceased person, and then uses complex algorithms and artificial intelligence to create a ‘chatbot’ that represents the persons online persona.

It’s then possible to interact and communicate with this online presence. The idea is to unlock the memories hidden in their online presence, according to the researchers behind the project.

In the years to come, the amount of social media and other online data left behind by individuals is just going to grow and grow. The MIT project gives a glimpse into what’s possible now. The possibilities for the future are both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.

One thing’s for sure – there are huge profits to be made by those able to harness the available data in the right way.

Today’s National Day

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URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here:

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.

The World Is Awash With Cheats

When my daughter was eight she moved from one primary school to another. The new place was completely different. Educational standards were much higher and structure and discipline were right at the top of the list of priorities. Everybody was expected to dress and behave correctly and treat each other with respect. I’d have hated it, but she absolutely loved the place.

A few days after starting she came in from school, excited about the afternoon they’d just spent preparing and practising for sports day the following week. “It’s so much better than at the other place,” she said, “It’s a lot stricter… there’s no thumbs on eggs!”

I wasn’t sure whether this was a good or bad thing because I know one thing for sure – out in the real world, she’s almost certain to come up against people with thumbs planted firmly on eggs. It doesn’t matter what she wants to do, she’ll inevitably come up against people who are bending or breaking the rules in order to win. And that’s the same for you. So how should you react?

Well the universal default solution seems to be to whine and whinge about the injustice and unfairness of it. This is usually accompanied by feelings of anger and stress. So you’ll moan and groan and let off a few expletives. You’ll use the word unfair a lot. But does that do any good? Of course it doesn’t, and it can only have a damaging effect on your health if you allow yourself to be affected like that. So what CAN you do?

Well you could complain to the ‘referee’. Depending on the field you’re operating in, and the seriousness of the thumb-on-egg transgression, that referee could be the police, a court, a trade association, a regulatory body, an ombudsman or some other higher authority. There may be times when that’s a sensible course of action, but most of the time, it won’t be.

Why? Because it will be time-consuming, expensive and will divert you from your primary goals. When you’re eight years old and at school, telling the teacher is a viable solution. It’s quick, cost-free and usually effective. In the real world, it’s slow, expensive and the outcome is uncertain. Over the years, I’ve had cause to appeal to the ‘referee’ on a number of occasions, and although I’ve almost always won, it’s rarely felt like it.

So is there an alternative? Actually there are three…

You can stick your own thumb on the egg. Pretty simple this one. If you can’t beat ’em, you decide to join ’em. There are, however, two key considerations here – your moral position and the possible consequences of sliding your thumb over that egg. If your moral position is such that any egg holding is completely out of the question, then the consequences are largely irrelevant. This option just isn’t for you. You have to live with yourself and you have to sleep soundly at night.

But if you find yourself wavering a little, you need to assess the possible consequences, the potential rewards, and whether one justifies the other. It’s impossible to generalise here because in one situation you may be risking jail for a few hundred pounds and in another you may be risking a mild rebuke from a trade association for a million. In reality, your situation will fall somewhere between the two, and the course of action you choose will be a very personal decision.

Your second option is to just accept it. So you find out as much as you can about the way these people work, counteract it where you can, and don’t worry about the places where you can’t. You work within your own moral code and framework at all times, and don’t concern yourself with people who operate within a different framework. If you want to continue in your field, and aren’t comfortable stretching the boundaries, then this is the only sensible long-term option. The main shift you need to make is a psychological one, and I can’t pretend it’s easy. Simple – yes. Easy – no. Because like a drug-free athlete in the Olympic Games, you have to accept that the price of your stance is that you’re not going to win, and lesser performers will beat you.

Your final option is to get out of the race altogether. You’re in a race. Your competitors are cheating. You don’t like it. You may decide to go and compete in another race where the competitors aren’t so nasty. Now this may be an option if you happen to have found yourself in the dirtiest race in town, but you need to be sure of that first. The harsh truth is that you may find yourself jumping from the frying pan into the fire. As any hardened eight-year-old egg-and-spoon race contestant will tell you, you often can’t see the thumbs on eggs until you’re in the race and running alongside.

I can’t and won’t tell you what you should do. All I can do is to alert you to the undeniable fact that whatever race you get involved in in life, a number of your competitors will be keeping their egg in place with something other than skill and ability. I’m not going to say you should bend the rules; call in the referee; just accept it or get out of the game altogether. But I am going to tell you not to whinge and whine about how unfair it all is, because it won’t change a damned thing. Nobody ever said it was fair. The only question is what are you going to do about it?

There’s one more solution I haven’t told you about yet. You see, not all egg-and-spoon-race cheats are as obvious as to put their thumbs on their eggs. The really canny ones are a little cleverer than that and use a small piece of Blu Tack to attach the egg to the spoon. It’s almost as effective, but totally undetectable to either the referee or fellow competitors – even when they’re running alongside.

If I were looking to secure an unfair advantage, I’d choose the Blu Tack on the spoon every time. I’ll leave you to ponder where the Blu Tack opportunities might be in your life.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


Just In…  


We have just received the email below from one of our customers. I thought you might be interested in what he has to say…

From: John C******* [john********@*****.com]  
Sent: 09 August 2020 09:58
To: Admin
Subject: “The Hermes Strategy “

Dear Bill, 

Well that was a result —- I certainly wasn’t expecting the system to pay for itself in 2 days with 66/1 shot Star of Emaraaty! I have backed 66/1 shots before, but I don’t think I would have picked this one!

Once again ——Thank You Very Much.

Kind Regards,


If you’d like full details on what he is talking about please Click Here 

 All The best 


Working From Paradise

What better place to wait out the pandemic than Barbados? Like most of its Caribbean neighbours it has been good at keeping Covid-19 at bay during the past few months. But that does not mean the island has been unscathed.

Tourists’ spending accounts for 40% of the island’s GDP, with approximately 30% of the workforce employed by the industry. This helps explain the latest proposal of the prime minister, Mia Mottley.

She is advocating a “Welcome Stamp” for visitors to work remotely in paradise for up to a year. The idea is that if holidays are not possible, then maybe the island can attract well-heeled office workers who no longer have to go to the office.

  The visa is open to applicants worldwide for £1,590 (US$2,000) per person, or £2,385 (US$3,000) per family.

  To qualify, applicants must earn at least £39,760 (US$50,000) per year and have health insurance.

  In between Zoom meetings, visa recipients can enjoy beach time: surfing, scuba diving and jet-skiing; or, since that can be thirsty work, there are plenty of local rum distilleries to tour. If this sounds like something you could get on board with, just switch your status to “working from beach”.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“If you’re interested in ‘balancing’ work and pleasure, stop trying to balance them. Instead make your work more pleasurable.”

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Donald Trump

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“My hamster died today..he fell asleep at the wheel.”


Will Ferrell 

Money Statistics?

$74trn – The combined net worth of all those with investable assets of at least $1m at the end of 2019, an increase of 8.7% from 2018. The US had the most millionaires at 5.9 million.

£40bn – How much the migration of one million Hongkongers, three million of whom have been offered a path to UK citizenship, would contribute to the British economy.

$20,000 – The forecast price prediction of Bitcoin, for the end of 2020, by most analysts. As of the 7th of August, Bitcoin’s price is $11,875, a gain of over 20% in the last month.

Today’s National Day

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Just In…  


We have just received the email below from one of our customers. I thought you might be interested in what he has to say…

From: John C******* [john********@*****.com]  
Sent: 09 August 2020 09:58
To: Admin
Subject: “The Hermes Strategy “

Dear Bill, 

Well that was a result —- I certainly wasn’t expecting the system to pay for itself in 2 days with 66/1 shot Star of Emaraaty! I have backed 66/1 shots before, but I don’t think I would have picked this one!

Once again ——Thank You Very Much.

Kind Regards,


If you’d like full details on what he is talking about pleaseClick Here 

 All The best 


It’s Time To Ditch Interviews

“ What’s your biggest weakness? Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” Such is the mind-numbingly predictable ritual of the modern job interview. Afterwards, the interviewer usually makes a gut-instinct decision about who to hire.

Yet this wildly subjective methodology is a bad way of finding the best people. Everyone thinks they have good intuition, but the data says otherwise. One study showed people were worse at predicting a student’s future grades after reading a profile and interviewing them compared with reading a profile alone.

Interviews introduce a lot of useless “noise” – information that seems significant but is just a distraction. One of the biggest bits of noise is charm. The traditional interview is an ideal environment for the charismatic – fine if you are recruiting a sales force, but not if you need an accountant or a software engineer.

Thankfully things are changing. There is a growing trend towards competency-related tests: the best way to test job candidates is often just to see if they can handle important job tasks.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

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Albert Einstein

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“My dad used to say ‘always fight fire with fire’, which is probably why he got thrown out of the fire brigade.”

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Peter Kay

Suffering From A Tax Conscience?Take This To Relieve The Symptoms

£15,000 – The extra charge paid by recent homebuyers who bought just before the government’s recent change to the stamp duty threshold, now £500,000, than those who buy now.

  £1.1m – How much Prince Charles, as the Duke of Cornwall, received from the unclaimed assets of residents of Cornwall who died without leaving a will or having surviving relatives, in the year to March.

  Excellent work has been undertaken by the Cabinet Office’s Efficiency and Reform Group in terms of finding savings, but taxpayers’ cash has still been wasted in a number of ways, with significant sums ripe for being saved in many areas, including:

  £53 billion – Additional cost of funding pay and pensions for public sector workers over and above the private sector average, based on analysis of figures from the Office for National Statistics and the Pension Policy Institute.

  £25 billion – Amount wasted through inefficient public sector procurement and poor use of outsourcing, based on an authoritative report from the Institute of Directors.

  £20.3 billion – Cost to the economy of public sector fraud, according to the National Fraud Authority

  £5 billion – Amount paid in benefits to those with an income in excess of £100,000. £4 billion – Losses to the taxpayer from RBS and the sale of Northern Rock.

  £2.9 billion – Amount spent needlessly by the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills and Department for Culture, Media & Sport, which should both be scrapped.

  £1.2 billion – Annual subsidy to foreign farmers through the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy.

Today’s National Day

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Just In…  


We have just received the email below from one of our customers. I thought you might be interested in what he has to say…

From: John C******* [john********@*****.com]  
Sent: 09 August 2020 09:58
To: Admin
Subject: “The Hermes Strategy “

Dear Bill, 

Well that was a result —- I certainly wasn’t expecting the system to pay for itself in 2 days with 66/1 shot Star of Emaraaty! I have backed 66/1 shots before, but I don’t think I would have picked this one!

Once again ——Thank You Very Much.

Kind Regards,


If you’d like full details on what he is talking about pleaseClick Here 

 All The best 


A Bubble Or A Mania?

The difference between a bubble and a mania is hard to define, but most of us figure we know it when we see it, to borrow an American judge’s famous summary of pornography. The boom or bubble, according to your taste, in large tech stocks such as Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook or Microsoft doesn’t seem to pass that test.

We can argue about whether they are overvalued, but they are clearly very valuable. At worst, they should be worth a good proportion of what the market now thinks. Some other trends look more like mania.

Take electric-vehicle maker Tesla, whose share price recently passed $1,000, up from around $400 in January. Its market capitalisation of $200bn is now larger than Toyota’s; its enterprise value is just a third smaller than Toyota and 20% smaller than Volkswagen, and is larger than Hyundai, General Motors or Ford.

Toyota and Volkswagen both make more than ten million from vehicles per year; the other three make six to seven million each. Tesla makes less than 500,000. Simply put, Tesla needs to grow production and market share vastly, or become hugely more profitable than its rivals, to justify its current valuation. That is conceivable, but very optimistic. If it fails, it’s worth a great deal less

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another.”

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John Dewey

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I don’t like food that’s too carefully arranged; it makes me think that the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I’d buy a painting.”


Andy Rooney

Shares We’re Buying This Month 

Focusrite, the audio specialist has been enjoying a lockdown boom. A world leader in the hardware and software used to record, mix and edit sound, Focusrite used to sell mainly to the music industry. Yet emerging demand from podcasting, game streaming and online education means that there is more opportunity than ever in this sector. The group enjoys large gross margins, particularly in its software operations. A price/ earnings ratio of 26 is justified by auspicious long-term growth prospects.

Founded in 1993, Caretech today runs more than 500 social-care facilities, looking after children and young adults with complex conditions ranging from autism to anorexia. Staff-to-patient ratios are high and many employees have been with the business for years; indeed, a large number own the shares. Activity remained resilient despite the disruption of lockdown and the company last month hiked the interim dividend by 7%. The payout has also risen every year since 2007.

Sales at the owner of Premier Inn and Beefeater plunged by 99% during the first seven weeks of lockdown, prompting a £1bn rights issue. The funds have provided crucial balance-sheet ballast, yet the money will also be used for future growth and investment. The travails of rival Travelodge suggest that there will be plenty of chances to poach assets in the coming months, while there is scope for Whitbread to grow its market share considerably.

Today’s National Day

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Just In…  


We have just received the email below from one of our customers. I thought you might be interested in what he has to say…

From: John C******* [john********@*****.com]  
Sent: 09 August 2020 09:58
To: Admin
Subject: “The Hermes Strategy “

Dear Bill, 

Well that was a result —- I certainly wasn’t expecting the system to pay for itself in 2 days with 66/1 shot Star of Emaraaty! I have backed 66/1 shots before, but I don’t think I would have picked this one!

Once again ——Thank You Very Much.

Kind Regards,


If you’d like full details on what he is talking about pleaseClick Here 

 All The best 
