Author Archives: admin

Life Isn’t Fair. Get Over It!

Here’s something you need to accept and work with, very quickly. We first hear kids in the playground complaining that “it’s not fair”, and, if it goes unchecked, they’re still saying the same thing when they’re drawing their pension. It’s pointless and self-defeating. 

Life isn’t fair. Nobody ever said that it was. People are born with differing natural attributes and some of these attributes have an impact on what we see as fairness. Sometimes, people will be given favourable treatment because of these attributes, which isn’t warranted. Good looking people, for example, are often favoured in situations where looks don’t really matter.

Quiet, thoughtful and sensible people are often passed over in favour of the charismatic, dogmatic and wayward. The kind and virtuous often receive no reward, while calculation and deceit goes unpunished. The talented, hard-working and able often lose out to those with the ‘right connections’. Fairness just doesn’t come into any of it.

Why is this important? Because many go through life waiting for things to become fair and recoiling from situations where they are not. If you do this, you will become severely disenchanted and miss out on a lot of opportunities. Life will never be fair. If you’re on the positive side of unfairness, don’t feel guilty. Capitalise on it.

If you’re on the negative side, don’t moan or give up. Recognise what’s happening and take action. Unfairness can usually be overcome by effort and application. Those who are unfairly favoured have a tendency towards complacency that makes them easier to prevail over than you might think.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here: 

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.

The Green Hotel Guide

People choose the hotels they stay in for all sorts of reasons, and an increasing number are interested in the ‘green credentials’ of the place they’ll be laying their head for the night. It’s with this in mind that Green Hotels was set up in Greece. 

To be included in the Green Hotels network, hotels must pass a whole range of tests with regard to their approach to environmental issues. They are then graded on a scale of A through to C, dependant on the level of their adherence to green principles.

Speaking as someone with far more interest in the temperature of the water in the shower than how fuel efficient it is, this isn’t a service I’ll be using any time soon. But the point is that there is a market niche here to be exploited, and if there’s a demand for this in Greece, I’m sure there’s demand in the UK.

Looking at this purely from a business point of view, creating such a network is no different than a network of hotels with swimming pools, fine cuisine, sea views or anything else. Perhaps something for you to consider introducing to the UK then?

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Not everybody needs to go to university; they can get out and start working straight away.”

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Sir Alan Sugar

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Being wealthy when no one else is, is like being the only one at the party with a drink.”

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Tim Allen

Dorm In A Box

When a teenager is going off to University for the first time, they need a whole pile of stuff, and that’s the premise behind Dorm-In-A-Box. The US based service promises to put together everything you might need in one simple package. Because of bulk buying they claim to supply $1,200 of value for $349.

I’m not sure whether anyone is doing anything similar in the UK, but it could be worth investigating. Thinking more widely, are there any other life events or activities which lend themselves to this ‘In a box’ approach?

In the past, for example, we’ve featured a company supplying everything you need to camp at a festival, in one package. There have to be other opportunities to help people save time, money and thinking time by packaging up everything they might need in a particular circumstance.

Today’s National Day




URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here:

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.

Your Voice In Pictures

Do you know what people are more interested in than anything else?


That probably explains the success of a whole raft of businesses which have as their basis, immortalising or representing the customer in some way.

One of the latest things we’ve seen is Voice-Prints, a Toronto based company who will create a visual work of art from a recording of a voice or voices.

The possibilities are many and varied – a babies first words, a couples wedding vows, a crowds cheer for example. All of these and countless others can be immortalised in something you can hang on your wall.

Consumers have a perennial interest in seeing themselves represented visually on just about everything from mugs and coasters to miniature dolls. So it’s hardly surprising that they’re interested in seeing their voices represented too.

What other aspects of consumers persona might they be interested in having represented or immortalised…their brain waves perhaps? I’ll leave you to give it some thought.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Laughter is timeless, Imagination has no age and dreams are forever.”

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Walt Disney

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I love restaurants, and that’s the thing now, they always boast about restaurants being ‘home made cooking’… I don’t want home made cooking, that’s why I’m here! ‘cos I don’t like the rubbish at home.”


Lee Evans

Don’t Break The Chain

Here’s an idea Jerry Seinfield used to get better at writing jokes, but you can use it to improve at just about anything. 

All you need is a wall planner which has a full year on show. Hang it in a prominent place and then every day that you work on what you’re hoping to improve (writing, copywriting, playing a musical instrument, developing a business…whatever) you get to put a big red cross on the wall planner.

Every day under your belt will add to your chain of crosses, and your only task is this – Don’t break the chain!

So you don’t think about your day to day results – only not breaking the chain. This kind of persistence practice will ensure that you continue to improve.

Today’s National Day

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URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here:

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.

Late Music

This probably qualifies as one of the strangest businesses we’ve seen recently, but who knows, it might trigger of an idea. Catacombo is a system for putting music into coffins! 

Created in Sweden the system consists of three different parts. Firstly, users create an account through the online CataPlay platform, which connects to Spotify and enables customers to create a playlist for their own coffin or get friends and family to choose the tracks when they’re gone.

The CataTomb is a 4G-enabled gravestone that receives the music from CataPlay and display the current track – along with details and tributes to the deceased through an LCD display. Finally, the music is played into the CataCoffin pretty much for ever. The cost? Around 23,000 Euro’s.

Now I don’t know who’s going to pay this (certainly not someone who’s chosen to be cremated I’d imagine!) but I suppose it gives lie to the phrase, “You can’t take it with you.”

There certainly seems to be a growth in interest in unusual funeral arrangements, and perhaps there’s money to be made by fulfilling unusual wishes. Can’t imagine your complaints department will be kept too busy either!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

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Phyllis Diller

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter.”

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Billy Connolly

Fabulous Fries

Few of us give much thought to the humble French Fry, but Florida based Scott Nelowet spotted an opportunity while on holiday in Amsterdam.

In the United States, fries are seen as filler food, but in Amsterdam there are a number of outlets selling gourmet fries. Neolwet borrowed the idea, and tested it around Florida using a mobile van.

When that proved successful he opened his first French Fry Heaven restaurant in 2011, offering sweet potato fries with a choice of 55 sauces, spices and sea salt toppings.

There are two things to take away from this I think:

1.  Always be alert to what’s working in other countries while on holiday.

2.  There’s almost always an opportunity to create an upmarket version of a
   generic product.

So what’s next?

Today’s National Day

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URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here:

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.

Your Time Is Now

When you’re young it’s very easy to bemoan your lack of experience and resources, but you currently sit on some huge untapped resources that older people can’t hope to match.

Here’s a little test for you…

Name a song written by Paul McCartney. Too easy? Okay, how about a song written by Barry Manilow. I’m not really testing you am I? Here’s the last one – name a song written by Elton John.

Anyone with an average interest in popular music would fairly easily be able to name at least one song by each songwriter, and in most cases, be able to name quite a few. But now I’m going to make that question a bit harder by adding five words – so hard in fact, that I suspect that not one in a 100 people could answer it. Here are those five extra words… “In the last ten years.”

You see, each of those songwriters is still actively writing songs, and yet their ‘best’ work – the work for which they will be remembered long after they are dead – was condensed into a short ‘hot’ period early in their career. Despite being older and (in theory) more experienced, their later work somehow hasn’t carried the same resonance as that which they created in the early days.

Now I haven’t picked these songwriters out because they are exceptions. Choose any popular songwriter from the last 40 years and you’ll find the same thing – a comparatively short ‘hot’ period early in their careers followed by an awful lot of plodding… Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Billy Joel – all the same. As I write this, Ed Sheeran is going through a similar ‘hot’ period. So what’s going on?

Everyone has an untapped source of creativity lurking just below the surface. It’s a hidden store of wonderful ideas and inspiration that lies there, waiting to be released. The scale of this untapped source will vary from person to person of course, (we don’t all have a McCartney-sized well of musical ideas in there for example) but what we have, isn’t unlimited. Once the creative flow has started, ideas flood out very quickly, but eventually the flow will diminish, as will the quality of those ideas. In the case of songwriters, they come to rely on perspiration rather than inspiration after that – on what they know and have learned, rather than what flows from within. But it’s never the same.

It appears that a similar process takes place, no matter what the purpose of your creativity – whether that is art, literature, music or something more mundane like a business or career progression. When you embark on a business or money-making venture for the first time for example, the ideas for products, advertising and promotions you come up with in the early days will be amongst the most creative you ever have, because they will come from within. They will be the equivalent of McCartney’s Yesterday – not one of the countless pop songs he’s penned in the last 25 years or so.

And that’s why, contrary to what you might think, you start with a massive advantage over the established players in any field requiring creativity – an advantage that helps counteract some of the experiences and advantages which older people have. Your well of ideas is both untapped and full.

This will be a golden period for you, and the really good news is that you have total exclusivity over it. Your combination of skills, experience, ability, personality and innate talent is unique. And the ideas and inspirations that spring from that combination will be unique too.

Kind Regards

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John Harrison  


URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here: 

The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.